cardiac modeling and simulation
NumeriCor provides cutting-edge cardiac simulation solutions. We strive to be the leader in software for cardiac electrophysiological and mechanical applications, providing our tools to the academic research community, biomedical technology companies, and the cardiology profession.

NumeriCor provides cutting-edge cardiac simulation solutions. We strive to be the leader in software for cardiac electrophysiological and mechanical applications, providing our tools to the academic research community, biomedical technology companies, and the cardiology profession.
Find out more about our ready-to-go solutions for common cardiac device R&D topics.
ICD Optimization
Virtual Cohorts Generation
Mapping Systems
Anatomical Digital Twinning
CARPentry STUDIO – High-performance end-to-end simulation front-end
CARPentry Studio is a graphical front-end, tailored to the CARPentry simulation workflows. It is optimized for large data-sets and high interactivity and integrates the end-to-end workflow required for electrophysioloy simulations. From mesh generation to parametrization and simulation control.
CARPentry PRO – The simulation engine
CARPentry Pro models cardiac electrophysiology, mechanics and hemodynamics at cellular, tissue and organ scales with unmatched fidelity and performance. It has been used in more than 250 peer-reviewed journal publications, by leading academic labs in Europe and the US, with a base of more than 150 users worldwide.