Aurel NEIC
CEO, CTO & co-founder
Computational Cardiology Expert

Gernot PLANK
CSO & co-founder
Professor of Computational Cardiology
Medical University of Graz

Head of the Modeling Team in Computational Cardiology
Liryc – Université de Bordeaux

Christoph AUGUSTIN
Associate Professor in Computational Cardiovascular Mechanics
Medical University of Graz

Expert Consulting Network

Luca Azzolin
Atrial modelling & digital twinning technologies
Senior R&D Engineer & Product Manager
NumeriCor GmbH

Matthias Gsell
Electromechanics & digital twins
Senior R&D Engineer
NumeriCor GmbH

Thomas Schrotter
Simulation technologies
R&D Engineer
NumeriCor GmbH
Expert Consulting Network

Jason Bayer
Cardiac electrophysiology simulation & experiments
Researcher for Cardiac Electrophysiology
Liryc Institute of Cardiac Rhythm Desease Bordeaux

Caroline Roney
Atrial electrophysiology modelling
Reader in Computational Medicine
Queen Mary Univerity London

Axel Loewe
Atrial electrophysiology modelling, OpenCARP
Group leader cardiac modelling
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Marina Strocchi
Cardiac electromechanics
Research Fellow
Imperial College London

Karli Gillette
Digital Twinning Technologies
PostDoctoral researcher
Medical University of Graz
Scientific Advisory Board

Martin J. Bishop
Electrophysiology & Ablation Modeling
Reader in Computational Cardiac Electrophysiology
Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences
King’s College London

Steven A. Niederer
Electro-mechanics & Digital Twins
Professor of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences
King’s College London
Co-director Digital Medicine
Alan Turing Institute

Daniel Scherr
Clinical Modeling & Translation
Professor of Cardiac Electrophysiology
Head of Clinical and Translational Cardiac Arrhythmia Research
Medical University of Graz

Thomas Pock
Digital Twinning Technologies, MedIA, Optimization & AI
Professor of Computer Science
Graz University of Technology

ForCEPSS—A framework for cardiac electrophysiology simulations standardization.
Gsell MAF, Neic A, Bishop MJ, Gillette K, Prassl AJ, Augustin CM, Vigmond EJ, Plank G (2024) Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 251: 108189.
PMID: 38728827, DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2024.108189
Developing Cardiac Digital Twins at Scale: Insights from Personalised Myocardial Conduction Velocity.
Qian S, Ugurlu D, Fairweather E, Strocchi M, Toso LD, Deng Y, Plank G, Vigmond E, Razavi R, Young A, Lamata P, Bishop M, Niederer S (2024) medRxiv, In Press.
PMID: 38106072, DOI: 10.1101/2023.12.05.23299435
A Semi-automatic Pipeline for Generation of Large Cohorts of Four-Chamber Heart Meshes.
Strocchi M, Rodero C, Roney CH, Mendonca Costa C, Plank G, Lamata P, Niederer SA (2024) Methods Mol Biol, 2735: 117-127.
PMID: 38038846, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3527-8_7
Constructing bilayer and volumetric atrial models at scale.
Roney CH, Solis Lemus JA, Lopez Barrera C, Zolotarev A, Ulgen O, Kerfoot E, Bevis L, Misghina S, Vidal Horrach C, Jaffery OA, Ehnesh M, Rodero C, Dharmaprani D, Ríos-Muñoz GR, Ganesan A, Good WW, Neic A, Plank G, Hopman LHGA, Götte MJW, Honarbakhsh S, Narayan SM, Vigmond E, Niederer S (2023) Interface Focus, 13(6): 20230038.
PMID: 38106921, DOI: 10.1098/rsfs.2023.0038
Arrhythmogenic vulnerability of re-entrant pathways in post-infarct ventricular tachycardia assessed by advanced computational modelling.
Bhagirath P, Campos FO, Postema P, Kemme MJB, Wilde AAM, Prassl AJ, Neic A, Rinaldi CA, Götte MJW, Plank G, Bishop MJ (2023) Europace, 25(9)PMID: 37421339, DOI: 10.1093/europace/euad198
Cell to whole organ global sensitivity analysis on a four-chamber heart electromechanics model using Gaussian processes emulators.
Strocchi M, Longobardi S, Augustin CM, Gsell MAF, Petras A, Rinaldi CA, Vigmond EJ, Plank G, Oates CJ, Wilkinson RD, Niederer SA (2023) PLoS Comput Biol, 19(6): e1011257.
PMID: 37363928, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011257
Mechanoelectric effects in healthy cardiac function and under Left Bundle Branch Block pathology.
Petras A, Gsell MAF, Augustin CM, Rodriguez-Padilla J, Jung A, Strocchi M, Prinzen FW, Niederer SA, Plank G, Vigmond EJ (2023) Comput Biol Med, 156: 106696.
PMID: 36870172, DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2023.106696
Effect of scar and His-Purkinje and myocardium conduction on response to conduction system pacing.
Strocchi M, Gillette K, Neic A, Elliott MK, Wijesuriya N, Mehta V, Vigmond EJ, Plank G, Rinaldi CA, Niederer SA (2023) J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, 34(4): 984-993.
PMID: 36738149, DOI: 10.1111/jce.15847
Assessing the arrhythmogenic risk of engineered heart tissue patches through in silico application on infarcted ventricle models.
Fassina D, M Costa C, Bishop M, Plank G, Whitaker J, Harding SE, Niederer SA (2023) Comput Biol Med, 154: 106550.
PMID: 36701966, DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2023.106550
Non-invasive localization of post-infarct ventricular tachycardia exit sites to guide ablation planning: a computational deep learning platform utilizing the 12-lead electrocardiogram and intracardiac electrograms from implanted devices.
Monaci S, Qian S, Gillette K, Puyol-Antón E, Mukherjee R, Elliott MK, Whitaker J, Rajani R, O’Neill M, Rinaldi CA, Plank G, King AP, Bishop MJ (2023) Europace, 25(2): 469-477.
PMID: 36369980, DOI: 10.1093/europace/euac178
Comparison of Propagation Models and Forward Calculation Methods on Cellular, Tissue and Organ Scale Atrial Electrophysiology.
Nagel C, Espinosa CB, Gillette K, Gsell MAF, Sanchez J, Plank G, Dossel O, Loewe A (2023) IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 70(2): 511-522.
PMID: 35921339, DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2022.3196144
Calibration of Cohorts of Virtual Patient Heart Models Using Bayesian History Matching.
Rodero C, Longobardi S, Augustin C, Strocchi M, Plank G, Lamata P, Niederer SA (2023) Ann Biomed Eng, 51(1): 241-252.
PMID: 36271218, DOI: 10.1007/s10439-022-03095-9
Leadless biventricular left bundle and endocardial lateral wall pacing versus left bundle only pacing in left bundle branch block patients.
Strocchi M, Wijesuriya N, Elliott MK, Gillette K, Neic A, Mehta V, Vigmond EJ, Plank G, Rinaldi CA, Niederer SA (2022) Front Physiol, 13: 1049214.
PMID: 36589454, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2022.1049214
Predicting arrhythmia recurrence following catheter ablation for ventricular tachycardia using late gadolinium enhancement magnetic resonance imaging: Implications of varying scar ranges.
Bhagirath P, Campos FO, Costa CM, Wilde AAM, Prassl AJ, Neic A, Plank G, Rinaldi CA, Götte MJW, Bishop MJ (2022) Heart Rhythm, 19(10): 1604-1610.
PMID: 35644355, DOI: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2022.05.021
Global Sensitivity Analysis of Four Chamber Heart Hemodynamics Using Surrogate Models.
Karabelas E, Longobardi S, Fuchsberger J, Razeghi O, Rodero C, Strocchi M, Rajani R, Haase G, Plank G, Niederer S (2022) IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 69(10): 3216-3223.
PMID: 35353691, DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2022.3163428
A personalized real-time virtual model of whole heart electrophysiology.
Gillette K, Gsell MAF, Strocchi M, Grandits T, Neic A, Manninger M, Scherr D, Roney CH, Prassl AJ, Augustin CM, Vigmond EJ, Plank G (2022) Front Physiol, 13: 907190.
PMID: 36213235, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2022.907190
Comparison between conduction system pacing and cardiac resynchronization therapy in right bundle branch block patients.
Strocchi M, Gillette K, Neic A, Elliott MK, Wijesuriya N, Mehta V, Vigmond EJ, Plank G, Rinaldi CA, Niederer SA (2022) Front Physiol, 13: 1011566.
PMID: 36213223, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2022.1011566
An automated near-real time computational method for induction and treatment of scar-related ventricular tachycardias.
Campos FO, Neic A, Mendonca Costa C, Whitaker J, O’Neill M, Razavi R, Rinaldi CA, DanielScherr, Niederer SA, Plank G, Bishop MJ (2022) Med Image Anal, 80: 102483.
PMID: 35667328, DOI: 10.1016/
Impact of intraventricular septal fiber orientation on cardiac electromechanical function.
Rodríguez-Padilla J, Petras A, Magat J, Bayer J, Bihan-Poudec Y, El Hamrani D, Ramlugun G, Neic A, Augustin CM, Vaillant F, Constantin M, Benoist D, Pourtau L, Dubes V, Rogier J, Labrousse L, Bernus O, Quesson B, Haïssaguerre M, Gsell M, Plank G, Ozenne V, Vigmond E (2022) Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 322(6): H936-H952.
PMID: 35302879, DOI: 10.1152/ajpheart.00050.2022
Determining anatomical and electrophysiological detail requirements for computational ventricular models of porcine myocardial infarction.
Mendonca Costa C, Gemmell P, Elliott MK, Whitaker J, Campos FO, Strocchi M, Neic A, Gillette K, Vigmond E, Plank G, Razavi R, O’Neill M, Rinaldi CA, Bishop MJ (2022) Comput Biol Med, 141: 105061.
PMID: 34915331, DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.105061
Impact of Intraventricular Septal Fiber Orientation on Cardiac Electromechanical Function.
Rodriguez Padilla J, Petras A, Magat J, Bayer J, Bihan-Poudec Y, El-Hamrani D, Ramlugun G, Neic A, Augustin C, Vaillant F, Constantin M, Benoist D, Pourtau L, Dubes V, Rogier J, Labrousse L, Bernus O, Quesson B, Haissaguerre M, Gsell M, Plank G, Ozenne V, Vigmond E (2022) Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, In Press.
PMID: 35302879, DOI: 10.1152/ajpheart.00050.2022
An Integrated Workflow for Building Digital Twins of Cardiac Electromechanics-A Multi-Fidelity Approach for Personalising Active Mechanics.
Jung A, Gsell MAF, Augustin CM, Plank G (2022) Mathematics (Basel), 10(5): 823.
PMID: 35295404, DOI: 10.3390/math10050823
Anatomy-Aware Inference of the 3D Standing Spine Posture from 2D Radiographs.
Bayat A, Pace DF, Sekuboyina A, Payer C, Stern D, Urschler M, Kirschke JS, Menze BH (2022) Tomography, 8(1): 479-496.
PMID: 35202204, DOI: 10.3390/tomography8010039
Determining anatomical and electrophysiological detail requirements for computational ventricular models of porcine myocardial infarction.
Mendonca Costa C, Gemmell P, Elliott MK, Whitaker J, Campos FO, Strocchi M, Neic A, Gillette K, Vigmond E, Plank G, Razavi R, O’Neill M, Rinaldi CA, Bishop MJ (2022) Comput Biol Med, 141: 105061.
PMID: 34915331, DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.105061
Automated Framework for the Inclusion of a His-Purkinje System in Cardiac Digital Twins of Ventricular Electrophysiology.
Gillette K, Gsell MAF, Bouyssier J, Prassl AJ, Neic A, Vigmond EJ, Plank G (2021) Ann Biomed Eng, 49(12): 3143-3153.
PMID: 34431016, DOI: 10.1007/s10439-021-02825-9
Impact of anatomical reverse remodelling in the design of optimal quadripolar pacing leads: A computational study.
Rodero C, Strocchi M, Lee AWC, Rinaldi CA, Vigmond EJ, Plank G, Lamata P, Niederer SA (2021) Comput Biol Med, 140: 105073.
PMID: 34852973, DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.105073
Non-invasive simulated electrical and measured mechanical indices predict response to cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Lee AWC, Razeghi O, Solis-Lemus JA, Strocchi M, Sidhu B, Gould J, Behar JM, Elliott M, Mehta V, Plank G, Rinaldi CA, Niederer SA (2021) Comput Biol Med, 138: 104872.
PMID: 34598070, DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104872
How Electrode Position Affects Selective His Bundle Capture: A Modelling Study.
Vigmond EJ, Neic A, Blauer J, Swenson D, Plank G (2021) IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 68(11): 3410-3416.
PMID: 33835914, DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2021.3072334
Estimation and Validation of Cardiac Conduction Velocity and Wavefront Reconstruction Using Epicardial and Volumetric Data.
Good WW, Gillette KK, Zenger B, Bergquist JA, Rupp LC, Tate J, Anderson D, Gsell MAF, Plank G, MacLeod RS (2021) IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 68(11): 3290-3300.
PMID: 33784613, DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2021.3069792
The openCARP simulation environment for cardiac electrophysiology.
Plank G, Loewe A, Neic A, Augustin C, Huang YL, Gsell MAF, Karabelas E, Nothstein M, Prassl AJ, Sánchez J, Seemann G, Vigmond EJ (2021) Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 208: 106223.
PMID: 34171774, DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2021.106223
A computationally efficient physiologically comprehensive 3D-0D closed-loop model of the heart and circulation.
Augustin CM, Gsell MAF, Karabelas E, Willemen E, Prinzen FW, Lumens J, Vigmond EJ, Plank G (2021) Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng, 386: 114092.
PMID: 34630765, DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2021.114092
Automated Localization of Focal Ventricular Tachycardia From Simulated Implanted Device Electrograms: A Combined Physics-AI Approach.
Monaci S, Gillette K, Puyol-Antón E, Rajani R, Plank G, King A, Bishop M (2021) Front Physiol, 12: 682446.
PMID: 34276403, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2021.682446
A Framework for the generation of digital twins of cardiac electrophysiology from clinical 12-leads ECGs.
Gillette K, Gsell MAF, Prassl AJ, Karabelas E, Reiter U, Reiter G, Grandits T, Payer C, Štern D, Urschler M, Bayer JD, Augustin CM, Neic A, Pock T, Vigmond EJ, Plank G (2021) Med Image Anal, 71: 102080.
PMID: 33975097, DOI: 10.1016/
Learning atrial fiber orientations and conductivity tensors from intracardiac maps using physics-informed neural networks.
Grandits T, Pezzuto S, Costabal FS, Perdikaris P, Pock T, Plank G, Krause R (2021) Funct Imaging Model Heart, 2021: 650-658.
PMID: 35098259, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-78710-3_62
Quantifying the spatiotemporal influence of acute myocardial ischemia on volumetric conduction velocity.
Good WW, Zenger B, Bergquist JA, Rupp LC, Gillette KK, Gsell MAF, Plank G, MacLeod RS (2021) J Electrocardiol, 66: 86-94.
PMID: 33836460, DOI: 10.1016/j.jelectrocard.2021.03.004
Linking statistical shape models and simulated function in the healthy adult human heart.
Rodero C, Strocchi M, Marciniak M, Longobardi S, Whitaker J, O’Neill MD, Gillette K, Augustin C, Plank G, Vigmond EJ, Lamata P, Niederer SA (2021) PLoS Comput Biol, 17(4): e1008851.
PMID: 33857152, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008851
Automatic reconstruction of the left atrium activation from sparse intracardiac contact recordings by inverse estimate of fibre structure and anisotropic conduction in a patient-specific model.
Lubrecht JM, Grandits T, Gharaviri A, Schotten U, Pock T, Plank G, Krause R, Auricchio A, Conte G, Pezzuto S (2021) Europace, 23(23 Suppl 1): i63-i70.
PMID: 33751078, DOI: 10.1093/europace/euaa392
Using machine learning to identify local cellular properties that support re-entrant activation in patient-specific models of atrial fibrillation.
Corrado C, Williams S, Roney C, Plank G, O’Neill M, Niederer S (2021) Europace, 23(23 Suppl 1): i12-i20.
PMID: 33437987, DOI: 10.1093/europace/euaa386
Assessing the ability of substrate mapping techniques to guide ventricular tachycardia ablation using computational modelling.
Campos FO, Orini M, Arnold R, Whitaker J, O’Neill M, Razavi R, Plank G, Hanson B, Porter B, Rinaldi CA, Gill J, Lambiase PD, Taggart P, Bishop MJ (2021) Comput Biol Med, 130: 104214.
PMID: 33476992, DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104214
His Bundle and Left Bundle Pacing with Optimised Atrio-ventricular Delay Achieve Superior Electrical Synchrony over Endocardial and Epicardial Pacing in Left Bundle Branch Block Patients.
Strocchi M, Lee AWC, Neic A, Bouyssier J, Gillette K, Plank G, Elliott MK, Gould J, Behar JM, Sidhu B, Mehta V, Bishop MJ, Vigmond EJ, Rinaldi CA, Niederer SA (2020) Heart Rhythm, In Press.
PMID: 32603781, DOI: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2020.06.028
A publicly available virtual cohort of four-chamber heart meshes for cardiac electro-mechanics simulations.
Strocchi M, Augustin CM, Gsell MAF, Karabelas E, Neic A, Gillette K, Razeghi O, Prassl AJ, Vigmond EJ, Behar JM, Gould J, Sidhu B, Rinaldi CA, Bishop MJ, Plank G, Niederer SA (2020) PLoS One, 15(6): e0235145.
PMID: 32589679, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235145
Personalization of electro-mechanical models of the pressure-overloaded left ventricle: fitting of Windkessel-type afterload models.
Marx L, Gsell MAF, Rund A, Caforio F, Prassl AJ, Toth-Gayor G, Kuehne T, Augustin CM, Plank G (2020) Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci, 378(2173): 20190342.
PMID: 32448067, DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2019.0342
Creation and application of virtual patient cohorts of heart models.
Niederer SA, Aboelkassem Y, Cantwell CD, Corrado C, Coveney S, Cherry EM, Delhaas T, Fenton FH, Panfilov AV, Pathmanathan P, Plank G, Riabiz M, Roney CH, Dos Santos RW, Wang L (2020) Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci, 378(2173): 20190558.
PMID: 32448064, DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2019.0558
The impact of wall thickness and curvature on wall stress in patient-specific electromechanical models of the left atrium.
Augustin CM, Fastl TE, Neic A, Bellini C, Whitaker J, Rajani R, O’Neill MD, Bishop MJ, Plank G, Niederer SA (2020) Biomech Model Mechanobiol, 19(3): 1015-1034.
PMID: 31802292, DOI: 10.1007/s10237-019-01268-5
Direct comparison of a novel antitachycardia pacing algorithm against present methods using virtual patient modeling.
Swenson DJ, Taepke RT, Blauer JJE, Kwan E, Ghafoori E, Plank G, Vigmond E, MacLeod RS, DeGroot P, Ranjan R (2020) Heart Rhythm, In Press.
PMID: 32438017, DOI: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2020.05.009
Left ventricular endocardial pacing is less arrhythmogenic than conventional epicardial pacing when pacing in proximity to scar.
Costa CM, Neic A, Gillette K, Porter B, Gould J, Sidhu B, Chen Z, Elliott M, Mehta V, Plank G, Rinaldi CA, Bishop MJ, Niederer SA (2020) Heart Rhythm, In Press.
PMID: 32272230, DOI: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2020.03.021
3D Electrophysiological Modeling of Interstitial Fibrosis Networks and Their Role in Ventricular Arrhythmias in Non-ischemic Cardiomyopathy.
Balaban G, Mendonca Costa C, Porter B, Halliday B, Rinaldi CA, Prasad S, Plank G, Ismail TF, Bishop MJ (2020) IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, In Press.
PMID: 32275581, DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2020.2976924
Computational modeling of cardiac growth and remodeling in pressure overloaded hearts-Linking microstructure to organ phenotype.
Niestrawska JA, Augustin CM, Plank G (2020) Acta Biomater, 106: 34-53.
PMID: 32058078, DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2020.02.010
Simulating ventricular systolic motion in a four-chamber heart model with spatially varying robin boundary conditions to model the effect of the pericardium.
Strocchi M, Gsell MAF, Augustin CM, Razeghi O, Roney CH, Prassl AJ, Vigmond EJ, Behar JM, Gould JS, Rinaldi CA, Bishop MJ, Plank G, Niederer SA (2020) J Biomech, 101: 109645.
PMID: 32014305, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.109645
Versatile stabilized finite element formulations for nearly and fully incompressible solid mechanics.
Karabelas E, Haase G, Plank G, Augustin CM (2020) Comput Mech, 65(1): 193-215.
PMID: 31975744, DOI: 10.1007/s00466-019-01760-w
Automating image-based mesh generation and manipulation tasks in cardiac modeling workflows using Meshtool.
Neic A, Gsell MAF, Karabelas E, Prassl AJ, Plank G (2020) SoftwareX, 11: 100454.
PMID: 32607406, DOI: 10.1016/j.softx.2020.100454
Factors Promoting Conduction Slowing as Substrates for Block and Reentry in Infarcted Hearts.
Campos FO, Whitaker J, Neji R, Roujol S, O’Neill M, Plank G, Bishop MJ (2019) Biophys J, 117(12): 2361-2374.
PMID: 31521328, DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2019.08.008
Inverse localization of earliest cardiac activation sites from activation maps based on the viscous Eikonal equation.
Kunisch K, Neic A, Plank G, Trautmann P (2019) J Math Biol, 79(6-7): 2033-2068.
PMID: 31473798, DOI: 10.1007/s00285-019-01419-3
Scar shape analysis and simulated electrical instabilities in a non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy patient cohort.
Balaban G, Halliday BP, Bai W, Porter B, Malvuccio C, Lamata P, Rinaldi CA, Plank G, Rueckert D, Prasad SK, Bishop MJ (2019) PLoS Comput Biol, 15(10): e1007421.
PMID: 31658247, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007421
Pacing in proximity to scar during cardiac resynchronization therapy increases local dispersion of repolarization and susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmogenesis.
Mendonca Costa C, Neic A, Kerfoot E, Porter B, Sieniewicz B, Gould J, Sidhu B, Chen Z, Plank G, Rinaldi CA, Bishop MJ, Niederer SA (2019) Heart Rhythm, 16(10): 1475-1483.
PMID: 30930329, DOI: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2019.03.027
A rule-based method for predicting the electrical activation of the heart with cardiac resynchronization therapy from non-invasive clinical data.
Lee AWC, Nguyen UC, Razeghi O, Gould J, Sidhu BS, Sieniewicz B, Behar J, Mafi-Rad M, Plank G, Prinzen FW, Rinaldi CA, Vernooy K, Niederer S (2019) Med Image Anal, 57: 197-213.
PMID: 31326854, DOI: 10.1016/
Generation of a cohort of whole-torso cardiac models for assessing the utility of a novel computed shock vector efficiency metric for ICD optimisation.
Plancke AM, Connolly A, Gemmell PM, Neic A, McSpadden LC, Whitaker J, O’Neill M, Rinaldi CA, Rajani R, Niederer SA, Plank G, Bishop MJ (2019) Comput Biol Med, 112: 103368.
PMID: 31352217, DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2019.103368
The Left and Right Ventricles Respond Differently to Variation of Pacing Delays in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: A Combined Experimental- Computational Approach.
Willemen E, Schreurs R, Huntjens PR, Strik M, Plank G, Vigmond E, Walmsley J, Vernooy K, Delhaas T, Prinzen FW, Lumens J (2019) Front Physiol, 10: 17.
PMID: 30774598, DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00017
Validation of Intramural Wavefront Reconstruction and Estimation of 3D Conduction Velocity.
Good WW, Gillette KK, Bergquist JA, Zenger B, Tate J, Rupp LC, Anderson D, Plank G, MacLeod RS (2019) Comput Cardiol (2010), 46PMID: 32123687, DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2019.420
Fibrosis Microstructure Modulates Reentry in Non-ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Insights From Imaged Guided 2D Computational Modeling.
Balaban G, Halliday BP, Mendonca Costa C, Bai W, Porter B, Rinaldi CA, Plank G, Rueckert D, Prasad SK, Bishop MJ (2018) Front Physiol, 9 (): 1832.
PMID: 30618838
Assessment of wall stresses and mechanical heart power in the left ventricle: Finite element modeling versus Laplace analysis.
Gsell MAF, Augustin CM, Prassl AJ, Karabelas E, Fernandes JF, Kelm M, Goubergrits L, Kuehne T, Plank G (2018) Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng, 34 (12): e3147.
PMID: 30151998
Personalized computational modeling of left atrial geometry and transmural myofiber architecture.
Fastl TE, Tobon-Gomez C, Crozier A, Whitaker J, Rajani R, McCarthy KP, Sanchez-Quintana D, Ho SY, O’Neill MD, Plank G, Bishop MJ, Niederer SA (2018) Med Image Anal, 47 (): 180-190.
PMID: 29753182
A work flow to build and validate patient specific left atrium electrophysiology models from catheter measurements.
Corrado C, Williams S, Karim R, Plank G, O’Neill M, Niederer S (2018) Med Image Anal, 47 (): 153-163.
PMID: 29753180
Modeling the Electrophysiological Properties of the Infarct Border Zone.
Mendonca Costa C, Plank G, Rinaldi CA, Niederer SA, Bishop MJ (2018) Front Physiol, 9 (): 356.
PMID: 29686626
Highly trabeculated structure of the human endocardium underlies asymmetrical response to low-energy monophasic shocks.
Connolly A, Robson MD, Schneider J, Burton R, Plank G, Bishop MJ (2017) Chaos, 27 (9): 093913.
PMID: 28964115
Stochastic spontaneous calcium release events and sodium channelopathies promote ventricular arrhythmias.
Campos FO, Shiferaw Y, Vigmond EJ, Plank G (2017) Chaos, 27 (9): 093910.
PMID: 28964108
Efficient computation of electrograms and ECGs in human whole heart simulations using a reaction-eikonal model.
Neic A, Campos FO, Prassl AJ, Niederer SA, Bishop MJ, Vigmond EJ, Plank G (2017) J Comput Phys, 346 (): 191-211.
PMID: 28819329
Patient-specific modeling of left ventricular electromechanics as a driver for haemodynamic analysis.
Augustin CM, Crozier A, Neic A, Prassl AJ, Karabelas E, Ferreira da Silva T, Fernandes JF, Campos F, Kuehne T, Plank G (2016) Europace, 18 (suppl 4): iv121-iv129.
PMID: 28011839
Analysis of lead placement optimization metrics in cardiac resynchronization therapy with computational modelling.
Crozier A, Blazevic B, Lamata P, Plank G, Ginks M, Duckett S, Sohal M, Shetty A, Rinaldi CA, Razavi R, Niederer SA, Smith NP (2016) Europace, 18 (suppl 4): iv113-iv120.
PMID: 28011838
Biophysical Modeling to Determine the Optimization of Left Ventricular Pacing Site and AV/VV Delays in the Acute and Chronic Phase of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy.
Lee AW, Crozier A, Hyde ER, Lamata P, Truong M, Sohal M, Jackson T, Behar JM, Claridge S, Shetty A, Sammut E, Plank G, Rinaldi CA, Niederer S (2017) J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, 28 (2): 208-215.
PMID: 27885749
Investigating a Novel Activation-Repolarisation Time Metric to Predict Localised Vulnerability to Reentry Using Computational Modelling.
Hill YR, Child N, Hanson B, Wallman M, Coronel R, Plank G, Rinaldi CA, Gill J, Smith NP, Taggart P, Bishop MJ (2016) PLoS One, 11 (3): e0149342.
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Anatomically accurate high resolution modeling of human whole heart electromechanics: A strongly scalable algebraic multigrid solver method for nonlinear deformation.
Augustin CM, Neic A, Liebmann M, Prassl AJ, Niederer SA, Haase G, Plank G (2016) J Comput Phys, 305 (): 622-646.
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Verification of cardiac mechanics software: benchmark problems and solutions for testing active and passive material behaviour.
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The relative role of patient physiology and device optimisation in cardiac resynchronisation therapy: A computational modelling study.
Crozier A, Blazevic B, Lamata P, Plank G, Ginks M, Duckett S, Sohal M, Shetty A, Rinaldi CA, Razavi R, Smith NP, Niederer SA (2016) J Mol Cell Cardiol, 96 (): 93-100.
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PDE constrained optimization of electrical defibrillation in a 3D ventricular slice geometry.
Chamakuri N, Kunisch K, Plank G (2016) Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng, 32 (4): e02742.
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Biophotonic Modelling of Cardiac Optical Imaging.
Bishop MJ, Plank G (2015) Adv Exp Med Biol, 859 (): 367-404.
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Beneficial Effect on Cardiac Resynchronization From Left Ventricular Endocardial Pacing Is Mediated by Early Access to High Conduction Velocity Tissue: Electrophysiological Simulation Study.
Hyde ER, Behar JM, Claridge S, Jackson T, Lee AW, Remme EW, Sohal M, Plank G, Razavi R, Rinaldi CA, Niederer SA (2015) Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol, 8 (5): 1164-72.
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Stochastic spontaneous calcium release events trigger premature ventricular complexes by overcoming electrotonic load.
Campos FO, Shiferaw Y, Prassl AJ, Boyle PM, Vigmond EJ, Plank G (2015) Cardiovasc Res, 107 (1): 175-83.
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Local Gradients in Electrotonic Loading Modulate the Local Effective Refractory Period: Implications for Arrhythmogenesis in the Infarct Border Zone.
Connolly A, Trew ML, Smaill BH, Plank G, Bishop MJ (2015) IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 62 (9): 2251-2259.
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Three-dimensional atrial wall thickness maps to inform catheter ablation procedures for atrial fibrillation.
Bishop M, Rajani R, Plank G, Gaddum N, Carr-White G, Wright M, O’Neill M, Niederer S (2016) Europace, 18 (3): 376-83.
PMID: 25842272
Simulating photon scattering effects in structurally detailed ventricular models using a Monte Carlo approach.
Bishop MJ, Plank G (2014) Front Physiol, 5 (): 338.
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Structural heterogeneity modulates effective refractory period: a mechanism of focal arrhythmia initiation.
Bishop MJ, Connolly A, Plank G (2014) PLoS One, 9 (10): e109754.
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Influence of the Purkinje-muscle junction on transmural repolarization heterogeneity.
Walton RD, Martinez ME, Bishop MJ, Hocini M, Haïssaguerre M, Plank G, Bernus O, Vigmond EJ (2014) Cardiovasc Res, 103 (4): 629-40.
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Sensitivity and specificity of substrate mapping: an in silico framework for the evaluation of electroanatomical substrate mapping strategies.
Blauer JJ, Swenson D, Higuchi K, Plank G, Ranjan R, Marrouche N, Macleod RS (2014) J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, 25 (7): 774-80.
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Automatic Parameterization Strategy for Cardiac Electrophysiology Simulations.
Costa CM, Hoetzl E, Rocha BM, Prassl AJ, Plank G (2013) Comput Cardiol (2010), 40 (): 373-376.
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An efficient finite element approach for modeling fibrotic clefts in the heart.
Costa CM, Campos FO, Prassl AJ, dos Santos RW, Sánchez-Quintana D, Ahammer H, Hofer E, Plank G (2014) IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 61 (3): 900-10.
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Mechanism of reentry induction by a 9-V battery in rabbit ventricles.
Bishop MJ, Burton RA, Kalla M, Nanthakumar K, Plank G, Bub G, Vigmond EJ (2014) Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 306 (7): H1041-53.
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Effects of regional mitochondrial depolarization on electrical propagation: implications for arrhythmogenesis.
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Distribution of decidual natural killer cells and macrophages in the neighbourhood of the trophoblast invasion front: a quantitative evaluation.
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