Cardiac Electrophysiology Simulation
A brief overview of the cardiac electrophysiology simulation workflow
In cardiac electrophysiology simulations, we predict organ response to therapy on cohorts of virtual twins, which are generated based on clinical MRI or CT scans.
The scan images are segmented and converted into three-dimensional volumetric geometries, which are then enriched with rule-based fiber and anatomy data. This process can be performed either interactively using CARPentry Studio, or automatically using the our automated pipelines. Electrophysiological properties, such as cellular dynamics and tissue conductivities, are assigned to the different anatomical regions of the heart using CARPentry Studio. Once completed, the virtual twins can be used for therapy outcome prediction.

CARPentry Studio

Interactive high-performance
pre- and post-processing
CARPentry Studio is an end-to-end graphical simulation front-end designed custom-tailored to CARPentry eletrophysiology simulations.
It allows the user to visualize clinical images, generate and modify meshes, prepare and run in-silico experiments, analyze simulation results, all in the same tool.

Device integration
Rule-based or CAD-based device designs are efficiently integrated into virtual twins.

Generate rule-based fibers and anatomical region annotations.

Purkinje generation
Generate Purkinje cardiac conduction systems interactively or rule-based within seconds.

Live Preview
Preview your simulation at a fraction of the computational costs.

High-fidelity multi-scale cardiac simulation engine
CARPentry Pro is the commercial implementation of the multiscale-multiphysics cardiac simulation software CARPentry and its predecessor CARP. It models cardiac electrophysiology, mechanics and hemodynamics at cellular, tissue and organ scales with unmatched fidelity and performance. CARPentry Pro and its academic predecessors have been used in > 250 peer-reviewed journal publications. It is used by leading academic labs in Europe and the US, with a base of >100 users worldwide